2022 Inter-Club PDI Championship – Godalming Photographic Club Open Category Runner-up Images

Are you Looking at Me?
Are you looking at Me? by Maurice Ford LRPS
Boulder Beach by Mike Rowe FRPS DPAGB BPE5*
Centrepiece by Anna Levene ARPS
Colours of the RainbowColours of the Rainbow by Alex Robinson
Crowds at the NationalCrowds at the National by David Hughes ARPS DPAGB BPE3*
Defying GravityDefying Gravity by Judith Rolfe ARPS
Fresh Chicken Kolkata StyleFresh Chicken Kolkata Style by Brian Houghton ARPS
Horseplay on the Polo FieldHorseplay on the Polo Field by Collette Patto LRPS DPAGB
Just after the RainJust after the Rain by Brian Houghton ARPSLockdown an Upside WorldLockdown an Upside World by Maurice Ford LRPS
Losing It.jpg
Losing It by Mike Rowe FRPS DPAGB BPE5*

Peonies Peonies by Anna Levene ARPSPorsche Turbo

Porsche Turbo by Dave Wragg FRPSSeilebost GrassesSeilebost Grasses by David Carine ARPSSorvagsvatn VagarSorvagsvatn Vagar by David Carine ARPSSunrise at JamnikSunrise at Jamnik by David Hughes ARPS DPAGB BPE3*