2023 Inter-Club PDI Championship – Epsom Camera Club Open Category Runner-up Images

Liberty by Athena Carey ARPS MFA

Winter by Athena Carey ARPS MFA

Winter by Athena Carey ARPS MFA

A Walk through the Fields Dave Stoneleigh
Is there anybody out there? by John Atherton
The Secret Boathouse by John Atherton
Jetty Long Exposure by John Boyer

Staircase by Mike Longhuest FRPS
Harris Blues by Nicky Rochussen ARPS
Frost on Walton Heath by Peter Stott LRPSStair into my eye by Philip Trew

The Night Buses by Robin Dolbear

Low Mist at Brancaster by Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS ABPE

Worker, Onion Wholesaler by Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS ABPE
Worker, Onion Wholesaler by Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS ABPE
Flying Lap by Roy Twyman
Flying Lap by Roy Twyman
Riding At Sunset by Simon Powell
Riding At Sunset by Simon Powell
Yamaha On The Limit by Simon Powell
Yamaha On The Limit by Simon Powell